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Chaves em "T" com macho hexagonal articulado

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T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 6mm

T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 6mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 7mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 8mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 9mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 10mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 11mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 12mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 13mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 14mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 15mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 16mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 17mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 18mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 19mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 20mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 21mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 22mm
T-bar handle with swivel socket Hex 24mm



Chaves em "T" com macho hexagonal articulado de 6mm

Hand Tool Lifetime Guarantee


  • Encabadouro giratório de180° para melhor acesso a ângulos difíceis de alcançar
  • Punho deslizante para um ajuste ótimo em diferentes posições para uma maior alavancagem ou espaços estreitos
  • Encabadouro raso para permitir a fixação de porcas com parafusos mais compridos

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